Feel good about your money

If your finances have felt off balance, there's a good reason for it.

This year, about 71% of Americans said they feel their paycheck is not able to keep up with inflation, and 29% predict that their spending will likely exceed their budget in the months ahead.

At Commas, we’re all about making you feel in control of your money (instead of letting it control you)

Let’s start with where you are – right now

Don’t worry if you’re starting from scratch – 59% of millennials are moderately to extremely stressed about money, so we won’t be surprised if you happen to be part of this majority too

We were too, before we started using Commas

Fill out the form and schedule a kickoff call with a money coach to begin


Weeks to Money Confidence

Being good with money isn’t hard. Most people just don’t know where to start.

The Commas’ Method breaks it down so that it’s as simple as 1 - 2 - 3.

  1. Start by completing the Commas registration and understanding where you’re at with your money today

  2. Use the Commas system and start to build better habits over the course of several weeks (typically our users see improvement in their own habits by week 8)

  3. Build additional money habits with habit stacking until you’re at a customized money system that helps you reach your long-term goals!